Our streamlined process makes it easy for your staff to access continuing education, workout builder, dashboards, and more right away.
We will help you develop customized career paths and levels with a mix of your club’s internal education and ClubConnect’s proprietary education.
You provide unlimited CECs for every employee (with no cost to them and only a fraction of the cost for your club) and a system that makes it fun and easy for them to take courses and succeed.
Review your custom dashboard with key metrics including course enrollments, active users, education leaderboards, certification status, and more.
ClubConnect works directly with over 210 certification and training groups to verify credentials.
Workout Builder includes 1,300 videos and lets you tailor workouts directly to your clients' needs.
Your staff will get full access to over 200 top-quality online video courses with CECs from over 18 agencies.
Organize and create an unlimited amount of levels for every role in the system, with the ability to tie compensation to the completion of levels.
Every staff member can view their own education score and track their rankings among other trainers at their facility.
Use ClubConnect's proprietary Content Delivery System, created specifically for the fitness industry, to build courses with tests, articles, videos, customized course certificates, and more.
Access certifications and specialty trainings from world-class education companies including IDEA, MYZONE, NFPT, NCCPT, Precision Nutrition, IoM, MXM Customer Service Training, and more.